
Last Name First Name Phone Title
Williams Tammy 615-862-6060 Chief Deputy for the Executive Office
Lee Remi 615-880-2385 Administration Services & Payroll
Ratcliff Kristina 615-862-6998 Assistant to the Chief Deputy of Operations and Compliance Team Leader

Appeals/Modeling & Sales Verification

Last Name First Name Phone
Martin, MAI Gabe 615-862-6071 Appeals/Modeling Manager
Burton, CG Nathan 615-862-6092 Appeals/Modeling Appraiser Analyst
Blake, MAI, CG Alex 615-880-2116 Appeals/Modeling Appraiser Analyst
Clary Samantha 615-862-6063 Appeals/Modeling & Sales Verification Representative
Moore Marisa 615-880-2335 Appeals/Modeling & Sales Verification Representative
Wonnacott Dave 615-880-2323 Appeals/Modeling & Sales Verification Representative
Ishie, CG Pam 615-880-2177 Appeals/Modeling Part-Time

Assessor of Property

Last Name First Name Phone
Wilhoite Vivian 615-862-6080 Assessor of Property

Chief Deputy of Administration

Last Name First Name Phone
Scott Cristi 615-880-3650 Chief Deputy of Administration

Chief Deputy of Information & Technology

Last Name First Name Phone
Pigue Brad 615-862-6075 Chief Deputy of IT

Chief Deputy of Operations

Last Name First Name Phone
Ward Randy 615-880-2227 Chief Deputy of Operations

Commercial 615-880-3655

Last Name First Name Phone
Purcell Claire 615-880-2223 Commercial Division Manager
Shortsleeve Paige 615-880-2331 Commercial Team Leader
King Derek 615-880-2228 Commercial Appraiser
Knox Anthony 615-880-2222 Commercial Appraiser
Terry Latoya 615-880-2074 Commercial Appraiser
Mills Tim 615-862-6076 Commercial Appraiser
Wade Crystal 615-862-6069 Commercial Appraiser
Holland Jackson 615-880-2084 Commercial Appraiser

Compliance 615-880-3654

Last Name First Name Phone
Ruben Herman 615-880-2069 Customer Service & Compliance Manager
Cantrell John 615-880-2393 Exemption Advocate and Liason to the State
Hancock Danielle 615-880-2120 Compliance Representative
Ratcliff Kristina 615-862-6998 Assistant to the Chief Deputy of Operations and Compliance Team Leader

Customer Service 615-862-6083

Last Name First Name Phone
Ruben Herman 615-880-2069 Customer Service & Compliance Manager
Mooney Carolyn 615-880-2180 Customer Service Team Leader
Pilate Lorenzo 615-880-2211 Customer Service Representative and Fleet Assistant Manager
Shipman Anthony 615-880-2321 Customer Service Representative
Woodard Beverly 615-880-2242 Customer Service Representative
Kennedy Rhonda 615-880-2081 Customer Service Representative
Adams Virginia 615-880-2098 Customer Service Part-Time

Deeds 615-862-6065

Last Name First Name Phone
Ridgway Jackie 615-862-6064 Deeds Division Team Leader
Brooks Briana 615-880-2105 Deeds Office Support
Frierson Kendra 615-880-2232 Deeds Office Support
Gordon Tomiko 615-880-2102 Deeds Office Support
Greer Patricia 615-862-6066 Deeds Office Support
Rigby Susie 615-880-2104 Deeds Office Support
Bullock Angela 615-880-2107 Deeds Office Support

Fleet Services and Emergency Coordinator

Last Name First Name Phone
Matlock Michael 615-880-2147 Fleet Manager and Emergency Coordinator
Pilate Lorenzo 615-880-2211 Customer Service Representative and Fleet Assistant Manager

Personal Property 615-862-6073

Last Name First Name Phone
Morrow Jr. Jason 615-862-6236 Personal Property Appraiser
Williams Maia 615-862-8076 Personal Property Appraiser
Williams Stacy 615-880-2146 Personal Property Appraiser
Porter Toni 615-880-2182 Personal Property Manager
Nieto Mauricio 615-880-2322 Personal Property Team Leader
Holloway Felicia 615-880-2389 Personal Property Appraiser
Roberson Abigail 615-880-2166 Personal Property Appraiser
Ball James 615-880-2106 Personal Property Appraiser
Bowen Lynn 615-880-2073 Personal Property Office Support
Heathcock Brian 615-880-2155 Personal Property Appraiser
Gibson Shalece 615-880-2070 Personal Property Office Support
Mckee Isaiah 615-880-2384 Personal Property Office Support

Quality Control 615-880-3652

Last Name First Name Phone
Shelton Pamela 615-880-2386 Quality Control Analyst
Goodman Freda 615-880-2387 Quality Control Analyst
Curlin Janet 615-880-2165q Quality Control Analyst

Residential - Manager 615-880-2378

Last Name First Name Phone
Traczek Toni 615-880-2378 Residential Division Manager

Residential - Rural/Greenbelt 615-880-2661

Last Name First Name Phone
Black Walker 615-880-2326 Rural/Greenbelt Appraiser
Heathcock Beth 615-880-2305 Rural/Greenbelt Part-Time
Black Don 615-880-2319 Rural/Greenbelt Part-Time

Residential - Zones 1 & 8 615-862-6091

Last Name First Name Phone
Gwinn Mark 615-880-2241 Res Zones 1 & 8 Team Leader
Maxwell Quincy 615-862-6072 Res Zones 1 & 8 Assistant Team Leader
LeFan JJ 615-880-2106 Res Zones 1 & 8 Appraiser
Wilson Ken 615-880-2493 Res Zones 1 & 8 Appraiser
Mayes Carol 615-862-6084 Res Zones 1 & 8 Appraiser

Residential - Zones 2 & Condos 615-862-6090

Last Name First Name Phone
Poling Jason 615-880-2286 Res Zone 2 & Condos Team Leader
Warrick Rachel 615-880-2231 Res Zone 2 & Condos Assistant Team Leader
Swartout Shana 615-880-2230 Res Zone 2 & Condos Appraiser
Cotton Jada 615-880-2210 Res Zone 2 & Condos Appraiser
Haven Alex 615-862-6085 Res Zone 2 & Condos Appraiser
Banks Jalen 615-880-2186 Res Zone 2 & Condos Appraiser
Johnson Joseph 615-880-2382 Res Zone 2 & Condos Appraiser

Residential - Zones 3, 4, & 7 615-862-6088

Last Name First Name Phone
Wallace Drake 615-880-2234 Res Zones 3, 4 & 7 Team Leader
Westbrook James 615-880-2336 Res Zones 3, 4 & 7 Assistant Team Leader
Pope Zachary 615-862-6077 Res Zones 3, 4 & 7 Appraiser
Crotzer Terry 615-862-6067 Res Zones 3, 4 & 7 Appraiser

Residential - Zones 5, 6, & 9 615-862-6068

Last Name First Name Phone
Routh Carter 615-880-2101 Res Zones 5, 6 & 9 Team Leader
Clark Will 615-880-2304 Res Zones 5, 6 & 9 Assistant Team Leader
Castro Nick 615-880-2075 Res Zones 5, 6 & 9 Appraiser
Ransom Lajuan 615-880-2225 Res Zones 5, 6 & 9 Appraiser
Dickerson Brittany 615-880-2114 Res Zones 5, 6 & 9 Appraiser
Ford Davy 615-880-2328 Res Zones 5, 6 & 9 Appraiser

Technical Services 615-862-6061

Last Name First Name Phone
Williams Eric 615-880-2143
Taylor Bill 615-880-2131 Information Systems Part-Time
Booth David 615-880-2137 Information Systems Advisor
Sawyers Brandon 615-880-2072 Info Sytems App Tech