Awards & Recognitions

Assessor of Property Office Proudly Claims

From Fair & Equitable, Mary Odom, MLS

The International Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO) Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration (CEAA) recognizes jurisdictions that utilize best appraisal and assessment practices in their offices. Because the program is directed at an entire jurisdiction rather than an individual, the requirements place a strong emphasis on teamwork and group achievement. Jurisdictions that earn this designation have demonstrated a high level of proficiency in the assessment disciplines to both their constituents and their peers.

The IAAO is the preeminent authority on assessment administration, and the CEAA is the highest professional honor an assessment jurisdiction can obtain.

Davidson County, Tennessee, Assessor’s Office is the first jurisdiction in that state to earn the CEAA.

ExcellenceLogoPNGThe office initially entered the program because it recognized that having the IAAO, the preeminent authority on assessment administration, independently and objectively determine that it is meeting standards and best practices in the appraisal profession will enhance the public trust.

Nineteen staff members were directly involved with writing the submission, a process that took precisely 358 days from start to finish. In retrospect, Davidson County said it should have applied sooner for the program to get an earlier start.

The most valuable thing Davidson County learned about its jurisdiction is that assessment administration, in all its facets, must be, at its core, about providing high-quality service to the taxpayers and property owners of the county. Staff members recommend focusing on organization on the front end of the project because it is a significant and undertaking, and not to procrastinate, so as to meet the one-year deadline.

Awards and Certificates by Years

-TIAAO Excellence in Operations Award
-IAAO Distinguished Assessment Jurisdiction Award
-IAOO Member of the Year Award

-IAAO Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration (CEAA)

-TNAAO Excellence in Operation Award

-IAAO Public Information Program Award
-TNAAO Assessor of the Year

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